Another Vacation Arrives : Same Old Story !
Vacations are everyone’s favorite period of time. Its not the Vacation that actually important, but the ‘Plans’ for the Vacation which is more exciting than vacation itself. I saw may people, students who weaves hell lot of plans for going trips, learn something new, training etc. Just as they enter vacation, all of the plans seems to fade away. Time goes in a flash, until you realize vacations over in a blink of an eye.
O.K Just assume, there exists some people, who could actually overcome all these and start working on their plans. Then comes the phenomenon known as ‘Vacation-Distractions’. As you starts working, your friends will come over, your noisy relatives and their children will come, and hell lot of marriage functions and receptions which you can’t deny. Self learning above all these !! will be a great achievement,
Why am i saying all these ? Currently i’m typing this post at 2.00 am in the morning. The only time when you get so much silence and concentration is when others are sleeping. I think that’s why i’m a night worker. I do have so many vacation plans. Some of them was finished at starting , but later the interest was exponentially decreased. What are these plans ? Not much , like…..arduino testing, HGE game engine learning, python learning and QA training……